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First Tuesdays
First Tuesdays Presents Nana Ekua Brew-Hammond August 24, 2020 featured reader & 2020-2021 When: September 1, 2020 Time: 7:00 — 9:00 PM Where: This will be a virtual First Tuesdays reading. For security purposes, you must click this link Watch the Video of the Reading by Ralph Nazareth & Duane Esposito June 6, 2020 videos & 2019-2020 & featured reader The Cento for June 3, 2020 June 3, 2020 2019-2020 & centos I. In lieu of flowers, please send Justice, a blood-splattered crescendo, or else some commoner will knock our fat asses off our golden seats. Who First Tuesdays Presents Ralph Nazareth & Duane Esposito May 25, 2020 2019-2020 season & 2019-2020 & featured reader Ralph Nazareth Duane Esposito When: June 2, 2020 Where: Espresso 77 Café, 35-57 77th Street, Jackson Heights, NY 11372. Time: 7:00 — 8:30 PM The Cento for May 5, 2020 May 13, 2020 2019-2020 & centos I. Not to touch, not to breathe, not to meet, scissors scraping the face of god. How many more nights are left before this magic ends? The plague is Watch The Video of Antoinette Brim’s Reading May 9, 2020 videos & 2019-2020 & featured reader Antoinette Brim read for us from her book, These Women You Gave Me. The poems were wonderful and the conversation afterwards was fascinating First Tuesdays Presents Antoinette Brim April 27, 2020 2019-2020 & featured reader When: May 5, 2020 Where: Espresso 77 Café, 35-57 77th Street, Jackson Heights, NY 11372. Time: 7:00 — 8:30 PM (open-mic sign up at 6:30) Cost: $5 The Cento Zoom Edition for April 7, 2020 April 7, 2020 2019-2020 & centos First Tuesdays went virtual for National Poetry Month! We held our reading over Zoom and it was, by all accounts, a success. Sokunthary Svay, our First Tuesdays Presents Sokunthary Svay March 30, 2020 2019-2020 & featured reader When: April 7, 2020 Where: Espresso 77 Café, 35-57 77th Street, Jackson Heights, NY 11372. Time: 7:00 — 8:30 PM (open-mic sign up at 6:30) Cost: $5 First Tuesdays Presents Sarah Gambito February 24, 2020 2019-2020 & featured reader When: March 3, 2020 Where: Espresso 77 Café, 35-57 77th Street, Jackson Heights, NY 11372. Time: 7:00 — 8:30 PM (open-mic sign up at 6:30) Cost: $5 First Tuesdays Presents Sara Khalili January 27, 2020 2019-2020 & featured reader When: February 4, 2020 Where: Espresso 77 Café, 35-57 77th Street, Jackson Heights, NY 11372. Time: 7:00 — 8:30 PM (open-mic sign up at 6:30) Cost: The Cento for January 7, 2020 January 7, 2020 2019-2020 & centos 1. Undulating and free, the strippers were masturbating customers on the garden bed of Blake’s fairy procession, this movie shot in hell, coiled First Tuesdays Presents Mark Weiss December 30, 2019 2019-2020 & featured reader When: January 7, 2020 Where: Espresso 77 Café, 35-57 77th Street, Jackson Heights, NY 11372. Time: 7:00 — 8:30 PM (open-mic sign up at 6:30) Cost: The Cento for December 3, 2019 December 3, 2019 2019-2020 & centos Waxed figures burned outside the leather windows. Give my kidneys to kid drummers. You courted me with cucumber soup. The strongest coffee can’t First Tuesdays Presents Rachel Zucker November 25, 2019 2019-2020 season & 2019-2020 & featured reader When: December 3, 2019 Where: Espresso 77 Café, 35-57 77th Street, Jackson Heights, NY 11372. Time: 7:00 — 8:30 PM (open-mic sign up at 6:30) Cost: The Cento for November 5, 2019 November 5, 2019 2019-2020 & centos 1. Amulet I took back with me to sleep, his penis is like a dark flagpole swaying in the wind of his dreams, there was not an inch of you I didn’t First Tuesdays Presents Alex Segura October 28, 2019 current season & 2019-2020 & featured reader Unfortunately, Alex Segura had to cancel his reading. He will read for First Tuesdays again at some point in the future. When: November 5, 2019 The Cento for October 1, 2019 October 4, 2019 2019-2020 & centos During every First Tuesdays open mic, we communally compose a cento using language taken from each open-mic reader’s offering. On October 1, those First Tuesdays Presents Abeer Hoque September 23, 2019 current season & 2019-2020 & featured reader When: October 1, 2019 Where: Espresso 77 Café, 35-57 77th Street, Jackson Heights, NY 11372. Time: 7:00 — 8:30 PM (open-mic sign up at 6:30) Cost: The Cento for September 3, 2019 September 4, 2019 2019-2020 & centos During every First Tuesdays open mic, we communally compose a cento using language taken from each open-mic reader’s offering. On September 3rd, Next page